divorce trial

Many divorce cases end up with a settlement agreement between the spouses. Some cases require a divorce trial. A person contemplating ending his or her marriage should strive to have a basic understanding of a divorce trial. By having this knowledge, a person becomes less apprehensive about the process of a divorce trial. Don’t Let […]

divorce facts

Like many Pennsylvanians, you may be in the midst of a divorce. You may be thinking about filing for divorce. You may think that the divorce facts surrounding your case are odd or unusual. The reality, many cases include strange or unique divorce facts. In other words, if your case involves what you think are […]

child custody communication

A common problem between divorced parents is communication. Communication difficulties usually start before a divorce case begins. These issues usually are a reason for a divorce. Children are harmed when parents can’t communicate. There are some child custody communication tools parents need to consider. Child Custody Communication Apps Apps are everywhere. It’s no surprise that […]

divorce mediation

Divorce mediation is widely available today. You can decide to use mediation. Sometimes a judge orders mediation. A judge may do this to further a settlement of a case. A settlement is preferable. It avoids long court proceedings. There are other benefits. What is Divorce Mediation? The goal of divorce mediation reach agreement. Mediation can […]

divorce counseling

Very little in life is more difficult than divorce. Divorcing people need professional help. This includes a divorce lawyer. It also includes divorce counseling. If you’re involved in ending your marriage, you may need divorce counseling info. Divorce Counseling Specialists There are divorce counseling specialists. They focus on people in a divorce. Your divorce lawyer […]

temporary child custody

One of the first steps a court takes following the commencement of divorce proceedings is to issue what are known as temporary orders. Included in the temporary orders issued at the start of a divorce case is an order addressing the matter of child custody. A temporary child custody order designates which parent will have […]


Some individuals involved in a divorce case seek what commonly is known as alimony and in some jurisdictions is called spousal maintenance. In fact, there has been a movement over the course of the past two decades to substitute the legal term “spousal maintenance” for “alimony,” under the theory that the former more accurately reflects […]

change child support

In the aftermath of the finalization of a divorce, the time may come when a parent desires to change child support. In some instances, the custodial parent seeks to increase the child support obligation. In other cases, the noncustodial parent desires to decrease the amount of child support. There exist five fundamental facts associated with […]

divorce and real estate

A potential point of contention in a marriage dissolution proceedings involves divorce and real estate. A variety of complications can arise when it comes to the matter of divorce and real estate. Moreover, the process of actually selling real property while a divorce case pends can also prove to be a complicated endeavor. A person […]

legal custody

Pennsylvania law recognizes two different types of custody in divorce cases: physical custody and legal custody. Physical custody involves issues surrounding where a minor child lives. Legal custody represents the ability of a parent, or both parents, to make major life decisions on the part of a minor child. Understanding the Types of Legal Custody […]

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